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Hill 112

Hill 112

This high ground controlled Caen city. The liberation of the city of Caen would be useless as long as the Germans were able to keep control of this highground. Once he knew that German Tank division would soon strengthen the German lines and allow major counterattacks. The general Montgommery launched an attack on “Calvary Hill to keep the initiative in Normandy....

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This rural town pays tribute to Marie Harel, the inventor of the Camembert Cheese (from the name of a nearby hamlet). Situated on the eastern end of the Falaise pocket, a German Tiger tank still can be seen on the high ground overlooking the town. The field marshal Rommel was injured outside a small nearby village in July 1944.

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The battle of Normandy ended in the “Falaise pocket”, a triangle between Falaise, Argentan and Chambois. The pocket was closed when the US troops linked up with the Polish first Armoured in Division in Chambois. The highgrounds of Montormel (Hill 262) allow view on the last battlefield of the Battle of Normandy.

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